purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

chapter eighteen

The air's knocked out of me as he suddenly starts kissing me again. 'That's enough talking for one day, you sexy, sexy girl.' He puts his hands in my hair and pulls at the roots. 'Coz I want you.' He leads me by the head and i surrender, flopping all my bags down and collapsing with him onto the sofa, giggling. 'I want to devour you. Right now, Right here.'
'Oh really?'
'Yes, really.'
'We'll have to see about that.'
He's on top of me now and we're tonguing and our breathing is fast and shallow. He puts his hand up my skirt and my thighs shudder involuntarily as he runs one finger from my knickers all the way down my thigh. I slip my hand down his jeans and i feel his balls, warm and deliciously familiar in my hand and we're groaning now and sort of laughing all at the same time and I think, God this is good. Fuck, I've missed this. Then his hands start to roam under my smock top (thank God for the current fashion) and up to my belly button Shit! Is there a bump? There's definitely a curve to that area now but you can't see it when i'm lying down, surely, or can you? I hope he won't notice, I pray he won't notice... Then his hands are roaming up my top and he's dangerously near the hammock-bra. Fuck, fuck, the hammock-bra! This is like a bloody obstacle course! I have to act fast and so I undo it at the back and whip it off, throwing it as far away as i possibly can. But it lands in a heap right in front of Laurence's eye level. 'Fuck me,' he says, eyes popping out of his head, 'I could fit my head in that.'
I redden, embarrassed but he doesn't seem fussed. He just kisses my neck, up my neck, biting kisses all over my jaw, and on my eyelids and then he lifts his entire body and lays down on me. He smells of sun-on-skin and fresh air and I feel him press his pelvis down into me, his dick twitch in his jeans. His hands are on my breasts now, his breathing urgent, our kisses more frenzied. 'Jesus.' Laurence stops kissing me and looks down my top. ' They're massive!' he laughs. 'They're fucking magnificent!' I laugh too but he stops me with another kiss and then he's undoing his flies and I think I might explode with desire and I can already feel the tell-take flush across my chest and the nagging, pulling throb between my legs. I lift up my skirt. I've totally surrendered and we're pushing our pelvises together slow and hard and I'm a gonner now, the pregnancy thing pushed firmly to the back of my mind. The sofa's squeaking beneath us, my breathing's rapid and I'm loving this, I'm absolutely loving this!! I've longed for the moment for so long and...

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