purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Thursday, November 8, 2007


here's the story, me and my pals were playing BULLSHIT(new term for 'CHEATS') during lunch time. We were having a great time bullshitting each other till all of a sudden, jess comes by asking "can i film one of you guys shuffling?"

well, for me, i knew she was talking about the breakdance shuffle. But for my friends, they didn't quite get the idea of what jess was talking about.

And then i asked jess why she would wanna film us shuffling. She said "well, you know, it's in your genes to know how to shuffle! Your Asians!" and i'm all 'WTF' about it.

But the funny thing was, Raz was on her way to the library with ping. And so they got up and Raz shuffled the cards. See, here's the funny part, Raz thought that jess was talking about card shuffling. Well, actually everyone thought that was it but me. So jess was just getting pissed and she just kinda walked off shouting "whatever!" And the rest of us...we just sat there...having a thought about what just happened. O_o

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