purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


alright, the previous blog is beyond recognition, even coming from my point of view.
please ignore if you must.

it is difficult to not being able to post a blog daily
you've got people saying how life is full of colors to see and adventures to go to yadi-yada...
look around!
not that i'm color blind or shit like that.
who has the time to see the rainbow falling down from the sky...
even if it hits us right in the face
......doubt we'd have a clue
wish i'd have the time to just sit down, don't give a rats arse about things around me
just enjoy the best gift ever from our dear friend, "The Almighty"
but that's a load of bull to think of...
at least that's what you'd say to me...pfft
oh piss off!
your not perfect either, so?
as if you've got an AMAZING life to share with.
bloody wanker..
why am i even writing this?
oh yeah, cause my blog hasn't been updated lately.
i'm having the strangest feeling ever..
*walks away*

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