purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

21st of Jan

want to know what happened on this day?
absolutely NOTHING! know why?
cause i've been dumped with the responsibility of looking after the shop while daddy and mommy goes to KL.
went to bed around 2:00a.m. and got up at 8:30a.m. Got everything packed (laptop, ipod, novel, sketch book, etc.)and left the house at 9:30a.m.
Usually i'd be pissed waking up during such an early time with errands to run late in the afternoon.
But instead i was quite satisfied with the morning, cause i got to drive around, (though not to the complex but good enough).
Unfortunately, i was still passing through a mist of complete boredom and an unfunded voluntary 12hr job sitting on my gluteus maximus!
yes, i used the word "gluteus maximus"...on very rare occasions where you'd hear me use that term.
By the way, i'm addicted to pictionary on facebook, well it's not particularly pictionary but something like it. It's called the sketching game or something whatever. It is an intense game, seriously. Playing it is like smoking weed, YOU CAN'T STOP!
lol, anyway...
tomorrow, i'm going off to the complex!
got a friend who's been wanting to hang out for quite sometime, since her timetable didn't really suit mine, (that was the trouble). Tomorrow's the only time she can i guess. I miss her anyway, good friend of mine.
Oh well, another day passing by...weeeee........................

1 comment:

♥♂ Ⓐⓓⓐⓜ ♀♥ said...

sry i cant go ya..
**i like the name adam lavigne..