purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Yesterday was pretty much "THE DAY" of all days for the start of this awesome week! and you know why? CAUSE I PASSED MY BLOODY DRIVING TEST!
Been having my driving lessons since I got back in pg for my summer holidays. Everything was good, smooth, no stress no tension. The lessons were good and I am glad that I took the time to attend these lessons, cause let me tell ya, it is so true when they say "Practice Makes Perfect!"
But as the days were getting closer to the test date, I dare say that I was worried that I am not gonna be able to pass this test. Then again, I thought to myself, if i can't get through this, I can be the ONLY LOSER in this family, cause we've got high expectation, no kidding (you'll know when you live with us for about half a year). So, yesterday, i got up, got ready, got picked up (ignore the "got" i put in so often :D), got to the driving school (waited for 2 hours to get picked up to Butterworth), finally got to Butterworth around 10.15am or so.
When i got there, i got a grip of myself and said :"It's cool Mich, I can do this, I can pass this!" and BOOM!! SIGNED MY WAY TO FREEDOM AS SOON AS I GOT THE RESULTS BACK!
Now i just have to wait about 6 to 7 days before i get my "P" Lisence!

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