purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Thursday, January 1, 2009

think twice

people always ask "Are you afraid to die?"
But the real question is "Are you afraid to LIVE?"
because there are worst things in life than death itself.

To escape the truth, we have chosen to live in the dark, to be non-existing, anonymous, lost, in hope of one day, someone will take up our responsibilities and thus we will roam free without blame.
But how is that so when we are given a life and yet we put it to waste and leave it to others to carry our burden? Will we not be punished? Will God not see the truth behind our intentions? We may be blinded by our greed, but God isn't.
There are always consequences to our doings. We can never escape punishment or exile. So if you ever think of doing so, think again. Because i promise, you will regret it.

Remember this always, responsibilities can be forgotten. But the guilt stays on, and you will have to pay for you wrongs.
Being alive would just be the same as living in hell.

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