purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Monday, January 19, 2009


Was it the night... or day?

The beating of my fatal heart.
The deadly touch
that broke me from my will...

What was it...
that swept me off my feet from the ground...?

The cold air that i breath in, every moment we're apart?
The sound of my own voice,
that tells me what i want?
was it the warmth that i felt from his arms...
The sultry sound of his voice
that mesmerizes me, as i walked down those steps,
hoping that i won't fall?

Thinking it was love i found.
Believing that i too belong
...to someone.
But as the night faded away,
the day came along,
took away my push and thrust for that very last risk i aimed for.
I was losing it all...

or was it lost before i even knew...

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