purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

double tap! double tap!

shocking display this night

been minding my own business after coming back from dinner at Old Towns (had "bah kut teh", but there's only "kut" no "bah", so it was "kut teh" for me...lol)
anyway, came back, started revision on some work, english to be exact.
blah blah blah.....you know what happens during revisions..(never comes to an end, it always gets lost in between, thus me getting lost into my music! muaha)

my brother was about to leave to meet the new international kids (kev's a floor senior)
so he checks his list for their names, and guess what he discovered?!


he came upon a girl named, wait for it......"Ms Chien Fang, Wong"!

holy crap on a cracker!
she's from singapore and she's the same age as me, studying in Trin College.
kev and i just went "OH! OH! OH! Oh NO!"
coincidence? HELL YEAH!
i wanna meet her.
Now there's "Ms Chein Fung, Wong" & "Ms Chien Fang, Wong"

1 comment:

Duffy said...

Tats..wow gotta pic?..gotta pic?..i mean is so hard to find 2 same names..and being the same place at the same time...