purple haze

purple haze
no words shall describe natures' beauty

Sunday, February 1, 2009

dream a little

last night, i dreamed of a dream.

strange but yes.

dreamed i was dreaming.

doesn't happen often to me though.

but if you've had that before,

i think that you too find it to be of an awkwardly unexpected moment.

not gonna tell you about the dream,

cause you might think that i'm some freak or whatever

besides, you'll know the secrets buried deep down inside.

not gonna take that chance buddy! HAH!

i didn't realize that i was dreaming a dream until just now when i woke up.

it was kind of an ironic dream, quite obviously too

but you wouldn't know huh...

meh, been having awkward dreams ever since THAT day.

don't really understand the reasons behind these dreams

nor why i've been dreaming so often

seems like a daily job now,

only that it's done during the night...o_O

must be something...something i didn't notice.

do i need a shrink?


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